


The implant basically consists of the surgical introduction of a titanium screw into the alveolar bone (maxillary or mandible). This screw replaces the tooth root, hence called "artificial root".

It is where the dental prosthesis is fixed. The implant provides comfort and efficiency in chewing and speaking in a very similar way to natural teeth, in addition to restoring beauty to the smile and quality of oral health.





One or more of your teeth is missing;

Your maxillary growth is complete;

Your removable denture is not comfortable and/or esthetically suitable.

Lack of stability and retention in your removable denture;

Your prosthesis makes you unsure.

Have difficulty chewing,

Need assistance in the movements of treatments with dental devices.




Recover the function of teeth and the beauty of the smile, filling spaces with missing teeth, condemned teeth or removable and fixed prostheses when these for some reason displease the patient;

Improvement in the quality of chewing: with the implant, the overload on remaining teeth is reduced;

Braking bone resorption: the alveolar bone supports the teeth to allow for mastication. When a person loses one or more teeth, that bone loses its function and is reabsorbed by the body. When resorption occurs, the aesthetic and functional consequences progressively weaken chewing and dental arch..






1. Clinical examinations and diagnosis

At this stage, your clinical history will be evaluated and additional exams will be carried out.


Surgery for implant placement.

It is a simple process that is specific to each type of treatment and patient. We will guide you through each step of this procedure.


3. Postoperative

Recovery from a dental implant is very quick. We will inform you all the procedures so that your recovery takes place efficiently and without pain.


4. Molding, manufacturing and installation of the dental prosthesis

They can be done immediately after installing the implants or 3 to 6 months after the surgical phase, depending on the type of bone and the location of the implant..


5. Maintenance and oral hygiene.

Proper maintenance and sanitation are essential for the success of the implant. Implantodontist Fabrício José Araújo will guide you on the best way to take care of your prosthesis. But it is worth remembering that proper oral hygiene and periodic visits to the dentist are essential.



Female patient, user of total mandibular denture. Five implants were placed in the infective arch and instalation and a fixed prosthesis in less than 24 hours after surgery.

Panoramic Start - Planning - Placement of 5 implants

6-month follow-up - Final esthetics - 1-year follow-up. Initial Aesthetics - Final Aesthetics.




What is Implantology?

Implantology is the specialty of dentistry dedicated to restoring the chewing function and esthetics lost, due to the absence of one or more teeth, through "pins" made of pure titanium, with external threads similar to a screw. These titanium pins are surgically installed inside the maxillary or mandibular bone to function as a tooth root. A prosthetic crown will be fixed over the dental implant, replacing the lost teeth. It is a definitive treatment, with no need, in most cases, for exchange or removal.


How do I know if I am a candidate for implant treatment?

In any situation where there has been loss of one, several or even all teeth; in case of dissatisfaction with chewing, poorly adapted dentures, aesthetically unfavorable, or other situations that can be discussed with our specialist: Dr. Fabrício José Araújo.


What tests are needed to perform implant surgery?

Radiographic exams (panoramic and periapical), computed tomography scans of the region of the patient's general health with blood tests are performed.


Is the implant installation painful?

No. The entire process is performed under local anesthesia or, in some cases, conscious sedation.


How long does dental implant surgery take?

The installation of a dental implant takes approximately 25 minutes, however it can vary according to the complexity of the case and the need for additional procedures, such as grafts (when there is not enough bone).


Will I run out of teeth during treatment?

During your treatment, the implantodontist may be able to place a provisional, which will be used during the period of osseointegration of dental implants.


What is the success rate of dental implant treatment?

There are several factors that influence the final result of the implant surgery, however, when under normal conditions, the success in the procedure occurs between 95% and 98% of the cases.


How should I take care of my implants?

The care is practically the same as that performed with natural teeth, through brushing, flossing, and mouthwashes. For cases of complete dentures, both the prosthesis and the implants must be sanitized. It is important to visit the dental office regularly for routine evaluations.



Dentistry has been developing every day and, without a doubt, Implantology is the flagship of this development.

It is extremely important that the patient look for a specialized professional, according to their need for each treatment, and especially in the field of implant dentistry, in which the patient undergoes surgical procedures.