
How to use Botox, how long it lasts and more questions about how to get an excellent result.

Procedure commonly used to mask wrinkles, Botox is a trademark  of a type of botulinum toxin A, it is one of the most common functional aesthetic treatments  in the world. However, its use may raise doubts.

What is and how Botox works

Toxin produced in the laboratory through a type of bacteria, the product, when applied,

relaxes the muscle and, as a consequence, reduces the formation of new wrinkles and smoothes the already ones

existing, leaving the skin with a fresh and youthful appearance. However, there is a lot of confusion in the name of the

treatment. The component is manufactured by several brands. Therefore, Botox is a brand of botulinum toxin A, just as there are others.

how is the treatment

When talking, laughing, screaming, crying or making facial expressions, the muscles contract and, over  time, the skin starts to form wrinkles, chicken feet and creases between the eyebrows. To minimize

these actions of time, it is possible to apply botulinum toxin A.

The application of Botox is done directly  on the muscle and causes temporary relaxation leaving the face smoother and more rejuvenated. The current treatment  for wrinkles that already exist and the prevention of new ones. Botox not only brings aesthetic benefits but  also functional ones. Also treating situations such as bruxism,  tooth clenching, facial asymmetry, headaches of dental origin, among  others.

How long does it last?

As it is applied directly to the muscle, the effects of the treatment can be felt  in the first hours after the procedure. The result depends on each patient,  but between 48 and 72 hours it is possible to see the result. In two weeks it is possible to  see the maximum result, and the procedure has a duration that varies between

four and six months. Treatment with botulinum toxin A is temporary, as  the muscle slowly and gradually contracts again over time.

Botox with natural effect

Many celebrities have overdosed on Botox and lost their facial expressions, but the  problem lies in the amount applied. It is important to individualize the treatment  and amount needed for each patient in order to obtain natural and satisfactory results  .

Side effects and contraindications

Como qualquer procedimento ou tratamento na área da saúde, podemos ter efeitos adversos. Entre os eveitos mais conhecidos está a falta de linhas de expressão. A toxina, ao enrijecer os músculos, tira também as expressões faciais, mais uma vez a importância de se individualizar a dozagem para cada paciente. Pacientes com doenças crônicas devem procurar um especialista e ter o caso analisado isoladamente.