

Get to know the causes and solutions of this very common and often embarrassing problem. Detect and be free of Halitosis.

Halitosis, better known as "bad breath", is an indicator that something is wrong. According to the ABPO (Brazilian Association for Research on Oral Odors), approximately 40% of the population suffers from this symptom, which can cause difficulties in affective, social and work relationships.

How many pleasant moments are compromised by bad breath? How often do we not know what to do with someone who has bad breath? know the problem and avoid embarrassing situations.



Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of halitosis because food particles and bacterial plaque build up in the mouth, causing bad breath. brushing your teeth after meals, flossing, and mouthwashes prevent this from happening. The mouthwash reduces plaque and cleans all corners of your mouth, including the tough ones, that brush and floss cannot reach. Another simple and important measure is to clean the tongue so that the tongue coating, that white crust that contains bacteria, is eliminated. Anyone who wears a prosthesis must remove and clean it before replacing it. Going to the dentist regularly is essential, make a free quote and also clear your doubts on the subject. In addition to cleaning tartar removal, he can evaluate oral problems such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, or saliva production.Dry mouth, caused by the use of some medications or by gladular disorders, can cause halitosis because saliva, which acts as a natural detergent, is not adequately fulfilling its role.


Don't worry about morning halitosis, it's natural. During the night, there is less saliva production, allowing acids, bacteria and other substances to deteriorate in the mouth. Good oral hygiene before going to bed, and when waking up, solves the problem.


Alcoholic beverages and some foods such as garlic, onions and spices cause transient halitosis, which ends when all substances are metabolized by the body. And contrary to popular belief, stomach problems contribute to halitosis because, in normal situations, the esophagus prevents secretions and gas from the stomach reach the mouth. If you have consumed such foods, once again mouthwash can restore freshness and good breath!


Some liver diseases, in addition to cancer, diabetes, and kidney problems, can cause halitosis. in patients with uncontrolled diabetes, the difficulty in metabolizing glucose causes the so-called "ketone bodies", which are eliminated through the lungs, causing bad breath. in this case, only the physician can indicate adequate treatment and control.


Hypoglycemia caused by the lack of food triggers the metabolism of the body's lipid reserves, thus resulting, as in the case of diabetes, in ketone bodies that are eliminated through the pulmonary route. To avoid this type of hiatus, the ideal is to eat every 3 hours.


An effective way to tell if you have halitosis is to cover your mouth and nose with your hand, exhale through your mouth, and smell the odor. Another way is to ask someone you trust how your breath is. once again here is the tip, see your dentist regularly and be free from problems like these that can be easily resolved.